#216 Weekly Sketches

Woe is me. Yesterday my wonderful Samsung tablet came to a sad end. The battery had been playing up for some time and no-one in this state even wants to change the battery, all enquiries seem to direct you to posting it east! So we googled the problem, and found out that Samsung batteries suck!! Also found a youtube video on how to take the device apart and replace the battery, and sent for the repacement with tools. 

Now I see why nobody wants to take responsibility for this. It just doesn’t work at all anymore. So I am back to taking photos with my camera, loading them onto my dinosaur mac, cropping, editing and uplpading onto the WordPress site. This process takes so much time and I’d forgotten how much more hassle it is than using the WordPress App which I’ve been doing for a while now. And I don’t even want to think about Instagram or Facebook at this stage!!!! All I have for that is my little cheapie phone, although quicker than using this old mac the pictures are so tiny it takes the fun out of it.

Well, that’s enough of my complaining, almost. I had a whole blog post in draft ready to add yesterdays photo so I just have to start over again, and post “new” photos that I took this morning. 

Firstly, last Tuesday was Interntional Womens Day so I painted a pic of one of Australia’s favourite women painters. Margaret Olley was an inspirational, irreverent, generous patron of the arts who painted right up till her death in 2014, hence her quote.

8 mar

That one took me more time than I like for a quick sketch so I decided to do an Etegami type sketch for Wednesday. A quick search in the fridge for something to draw and found this brainy looking thing. So quick to do – a no brainer really, hehe. But finding a quote takes more time than the sketch.

9 marSometimes I feel lilke throwing up my hands in frustration. I like to do different stuff but I’m often stumped when I go to paint. This time I did a pencil outline and scribbled random thoughts in the shape.

mar 10I always have the weekly 2 hour challenge on Wetcanvas to fall back on for inspiration. The challenge this week was to paint colourful penguins from a photo posted by MBeckett. So I used Permanent Rose, Cobalt, Permanent Orange and Cobalt Turquoise, adding Ultramarine and Alizarin Crimson for the darks.

11 marAnother photo form MBeckett was of this little girl. Once again I spent way too long on this and started getting too fussy, so I abandoned it at the 2 hour mark….. I think. I quite like the unfinished result.

12 mar

I’m really looking forward to finishing this journal so that I can play around with good watercolour paper once again, but I couldn’t resist so I used watercolours on this page. This paper is so unforgiving. 13 marThe next page was a real mess so I took the easy way out and pasted in a little landscape I did while sitting in my front garden. I never get tired of the view.

mar 14

I hope I will have my tech. problems sorted out for next weeks post and get back to a quicker process.

26 thoughts on “#216 Weekly Sketches

  1. Thanks for all your efforts this week considering the technical difficulties. It was worth it for your followers. I love the variety in your work and the quotes are an added bonus.

  2. Ugh! Sorry to hear about your battery woes… that does suck. But hopefully you’ll get it all fixed. Thanks for taking the extra effort as these are amazing!! I’m in love with those penguins and the brushes look like you could reach out and grab them off the page! Stellar work, Ros!! 😍

      1. We are on an austerity drive (political speak) so it seemed the cheaper option. Only wasted $38……so far! But it looks like a new one is needed.

  3. Swotching back to camera and computer is frustrating, isn’t it? I much prefer using my iPad to post pictures. But for some reason, photos posted from Apple devices to Blogger cannot be enlarged when clicked on. I have several blog followers that want to enlarge pages to read the notes — since these are often Bible study notes and may actually bless someone, I’ve gone back to using a camera for them.

    Your quotes always go with the sketches perfectly! (the Mark Twain quote made me chuckle). I especially love the one on 12 March next to an unfinished, beautifully done portrait.

  4. Thanks for sharing even though you had technical problem… your sketches are as gorgeous as the quotes and always fit perfect! My computer was off duty lately for about one week…cut off from the world, no internet, horrible! I was so glad when a friend could fix it…

  5. Technical issue really make it no fun, so very sorry! But on the bright side I love venturing through your sketchbook. Your front porch view is so incredible! Please don’t give up blogging, you would be missed. Just know you have a fan base here! Love your work❤️❤️❤️!

    1. Comments like yours make blogging worthwhile. I will keep it up but there maybe not quite so much content when I finish my little daily journal

    1. Thanks Joe. Your comment makes me happy. I don’t often get on Encouraging Art now my samsung is dead. It takes way too long to switch sites on my laptop. Hopefully I’ll get a new device soon and follow more often. Keep up the good work.

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